The Free Lunch is Over, and Other Thoughts on Concurrency

Mark Leighton Fisher on 2007-04-13T16:57:57

I wouldn't go as far as the author of The Free Lunch is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software, but (IMHO) much of the current growth in processing speeds has been the result of harnessing the parallel processing of cheap COTS computers – Google, for example. Multi-core CPUs look like a similar phenomenon.

Further thoughts: It looks to me as if concurrency is like every other development paradigm – simpler is better. To me, this means:

  • Shared-nothing memory (i.e. explicit sharing via message passing) will provide the way forward when threads need to share data, as it requires tracking fewer interactions; and

  • Some – perhaps much – of the gains from increased concurrency will occur because of the concurrency encapsulated in libraries.

As an example of encapsulated concurrency, off-loading printing to another thread (from the viewpoint of the caller) is mostly a matter of handing the contents of the page off to a subroutine – no further interaction with the print routine is necessary once the data has been prepared.

From where I'm sitting, there's a significant difference between threads that must continue interacting with each other as compared to threads that each go their merry way once the threads have been created. This second case of threading, with the threads (at least mostly) independent after their creation is amenable to encapsulation – and encapsulated code (including encapsulated threaded code) is easier to deal with. We mortals are equipped to mentally deal with only a limited number of "things" at one time, so encapsulating threaded behavior is a Good Thing.

I'm just musing here, but there may also be gains to be had from letting programs perform more actions in the background, with appropriate caching of the results for later use. (The Caching and Memoization chapter in Higher-Order Perl has influenced my thinking lately.)

At least for a while, common processing power gains will come from an increased number of CPU cores rather than faster CPU cores, so we software engineers need to prepare ourselves for this phase of computing.


Alias on 2007-04-14T02:23:17

I concur

Concurrent programming

scot on 2007-04-16T13:58:43

You might be interested in this article from the ACM called "Software and the Concurrency Revolution". The thesis is that "Leveraging the full power of multicore processors demands new tools and new thinking from the software industry." I made a few comments of my own on that article here.